For the First beer of Christmas, the beer store gave to me!

[Alright folks I need your best 'singing' internal monologue for this one!]

~~~~For the first beer of Christ-mas,~~~~
~~~~the beer-store gave to me,~~~~
~~~~A De-schutes Ju-bela-le!~~~~

Deschutes's Jubelale is as good a place as any to start for my 12 Brew of Christmas. Their beers are consistently rock-solid, and their winter ale is no exception. This year's Winter ale is packed full of caramel, sweet malt, honey, and cream. Near the end of the palate there's also a touch of spice and a nice kick of bitter hop to round it out.

What makes this beer even cooler is that the label is just as pretty as the beer that's inside. Each year Deschutes commissions a local Oregon artist to create a label that captures the spirit of winter. This year Tracy Leagjeld of Central Oregon Beautifully illustrates winter sunshine on newfallen Oregon Snow.

More seasonal suggestions coming soon!


1 comment:

  1. this is a fantastic beer! what a great start to your 12 Brews of Christmas :)
