What is beer “supposed" to taste like?

If you don’t think there’s “one right answer” to that question than you’re my kind of beer drinker. You see, I’m a big fan of the way the Belgians look at beer. With over 200 common styles of beer in Belgium, their take on the beverage is that there's a style for everyone. If you don’t like one beer, try another!  It's with that free-spirited "different is good" attitude that I approached today's beer...

21st Amendments Hell or High Water, Wheat Beer!

I have had to defend this beer more than a few times (damn you wonderful-albeit not very manly-packaging!) The truth is, I'm a beer guy, and I like this beer. I think it's a wonderful wheat beer with a refreshing, dry (not-overpowering) kick of this. 21st Amendment claims that this brew is: "Summer in a can" and I'd be lying if I disagreed!
Get your red cups ready
Give me a sunny day with a gentle breeze, a picnic basket full of grub, a blanket, a frisbe (in case we're feeling particularly ambitious) and some good company to take it all in with, and I'd take this brew over just about anything else out there!*

I give it a 2/3rds full pint glass. 


* okay, I might be getting ahead of myself with that comment... but it's good. Take my word for it!

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